Baby Williams is 14 inches this week - the length of an english cucumber - and weighs about 1.75 lbs. Her newest trick is grasping things (like the umbilical cord). Her ears are better developed and she can now hear my voice and daddy's. She's inhaling and exhaling small amounts of amniotic fluid, which is essential for the development of her lungs. This is good practice for when she's born and takes that first gulp of air. We can't wait for that day!!!!
I read that I will now be growing about 1/2 inch per week for the rest of the pregnancy ... and I still have 3 months to go! Whoa. Overall, the pregnancy is going very well, but I could definitely do without the fire-producing heartburn. I can probably exhale flames and am pretty sure I have a hole in my esophagus. My back and sciatic have seen better days and ... oh, the horror ... my once-dainty ankles have been replaced by tree trunks. Nooooooooo! But it's all worth it, right?!? It's a good thing I already love this baby girl so much. :)
I highly doubt you actually have cankles. That's impossible. You are TINY!