My amazing mom and sweet friend Sarena threw me a baby shower last weekend. It was a beautiful shower, and there are no words to express how loved and cared for I feel. Travis, Baby and I are so blessed to have such amazing friends and family in our lives.
Thank you to everyone who helped us celebrate the upcoming birth of our daughter!

Mom "Grandma-to-Be" and Sarena
The Cake
Our sweet friend, Becky, who graciously hosted the shower at her house. Thanks, Becky!
Opening Presents - We received so many amazing gifts that I couldn't post them all, but here are a few of them:

A beautiful handmade quilt by Bev
Our stroller/travel system - Thanks, Mom & Dad!

An adorable snowsuit - Thank you, Uncle Bob & Aunt Mar!

Lots of great books!

Tons of adorable outfits!

... including pink John Deere gear! Thank you Skulls & Grandma W!

My mom-in-law got us our glider rocker. Thank you, Judy!